Top 100 Photos- #1

1. I picked this image because it has a meaning behind it that's way deeper than you'd actually believe. When I see this picture all that I can think about is how this family must be feeling. Their actual emotions behind the view of this picture must be so much more heartbreaking than the picture.
2. This picture is about a guy who had AIDS and was photographed surrounded by his family in his death bed. The family agreed to using the picture to aware everyone about AIDS. The awareness worked and really got people working on the problem.
3. In this video I learned that AIDS was a huge deal and was spreading and so the lady who took the snapshots and the family agreed to letting Benetton to use the picture to appeal to peoples emotions and sell their product but to also get people knowing about the problem, AIDS.
5. Therese Frare
(doesn't show)


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