Academic Shoot
1. What composition rule did you follow? I followed the composition rule of simplicity because this is a very simple picture of a girl doing her work and there's nothing complex about it. 2. What is the subject? The subject is the girl. 3. Is it clear to people what your subject is?You can tell that I was trying to take a picture of the girl because she is the only thing that stands out. 4. If you can't very clearly see what your subject is, what could you have done differently? I could have taken the picture from a different angle to make it more simple. 1. What composition rule did you follow? I followed the composition rule of avoiding mergers because there is no part of a leg or head in the picture. It is cropped specifically to not have that. 2. What is the subject? The subject is these ow people working hard and studying. Their story behind this is their work for a math class. 3. Is it clear to people what your subject is? You can look at this picture ...
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