Portfolio Analysis

Video 1:
a. Name of photographer - Alyssa Schukar
b. General focus of portfolio (photoj, sports, stories, etc.)- Stories
c. List three problems that the judges noted with the portfolio - Not feeling the love or the pain in any of the pictures, Not enough strong singles/pictures, The whole portfolio had a very dark take on it
d. List two things the judges like- The background of the haiti picture, The hurdle picture with just the legs of the opponent
e. What is your overall impression of the photographer? What did you like or not like? I think that she has good intentions and plans in her head about how the pictures are going tot turn out but on some of them, can't express the emotions as well. I liked how most of her pictures showed the story behind it.

Video 2:
a. Name of photographer - Justin Mott
b. General focus of portfolio (photoj, sports, stories, etc.)- Stories
c. List three problems that the judges noted with the portfolio -
Wish something was in focus, Not entirely some are stories
d. List two things the judges like-
Tells a story and great concern on mothers face, Silhouettes, Reflections, has a point of view and tries different things
e. What is your overall impression of the photographer? What did you like or not like? I think that all of his pictures were coming from all different situations and places and I thought the variety was interesting. I also liked that most of his pictures were black and white. 

Video 3:
a. Name of photographer - Anthony Souffle
b. General focus of portfolio (photoj, sports, stories, etc.)- Stories
c. List three problems that the judges noted with the portfolio - Some technical problems, can't see the birds tangled in the line, have to look hard for the story
d. List two things the judges like- Came out of proffesional camera, shows some deep stories
e. What is your overall impression of the photographer? What did you like or not like? I thought that this guys pictures were good enough to understand what was gong on in the picture but didn't go deeper down and get into the emotions of the viewers. I liked the order of the pictures in the bird story.

Video 4:
a. Name of photographer - Daryl Peveto
b. General focus of portfolio (photoj, sports, stories, etc.)- Photoj
c. List three problems that the judges noted with the portfolio - The story of seniors are terrible, Tries to do the two sides of the wall again in black and white
d. List two things the judges like- Nice balance of colors, Good commercial photos for old people
e. What is your overall impression of the photographer? What did you like or not like? O thought that this guy had some really nice pictures and they all had a new concept to them that I wasn't expecting and they blew my mind do when the critiques were skipping through them and saying eww it really surprised me.

Winning Portfolio: Dustin Snipes
a. What did the judges note as strengths as they were critiquing it? Nice color and composition, good picture, the photographers almost running with them, everybody is doing something.
b. What do you see as strengths? Do you see any weaknesses? I like the angles and how every picture had an angle that was unique to that picture. Also, the creativity and hard work that they put in to take these is noticeable throughout the whole portfolio.

Contest Recap Video:
a. Briefly describe the process the judges went through in deciding the winner. The judges had to look through all of the portfolios, narrow down the options and then compare all of the pictures between the last two options, deciding on the best one overall and even one bad picture can bring you down.
Part 2-Individual Images
1. Describe one photo that you agree with the judges on. Explain why you and the judges do or do not like it. I like the sunset picture with the guy holding his daughter up in the air as if celebrating. The judges said that it is a nice moment and the sky was pretty and I agree. On top of that I also think that the silhouette of the two people was nicely done.
2. Describe one photo that you DO NOT agree with the judges on. Explain why you think the judges are wrong. The picture of the player with a toothpick or something in his mouth doesn't seem as inspiring as the other pictures. The judges said it was a cool picture but it doesn't have any unique factors to it. Anyone could take that picture.


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