Self Portrait vs "Selfie"

What is a selfie? A selfie is a photograph that someone takes of themselves, normally with a smartphone, webcam, or shared through social media. They are usually taken for self amusement or self confidence.
What is a self-portrait? A self portrait is a portrait that an artist takes or makes of themselves.
Is there a difference? If so, what? Selfies are taken for different purposes than self portraits but also for the same reasons. Selfie are taken for personal enjoyment and to show yourself to others the best that you can, thanks to lighting, facial expressions and makeup. Self portraits are taken to show a story or to illustrate themselves how they see themselves. In a way, they can sometimes be the same because they can both be taken to show themselves in a different way than people normally see.
What style do you prefer? Why? I prefer selfies because they're easier to take but I think that self portraits would be more fun to take and actually make you think about what you're going to do with that picture.
Is one more valuable/important than the other? Why? I think that self portraits are more important because they are way more valuable than selfies. Selfies, you only like for a couple of weeks or months and then you look back on it and wonder why you'd ever take that picture. With self portraits you can look back on it and be proud of the work you did.


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